Can You Transmit Health?

Radio Regen’s newest project – HealthFM – is looking at how community radio can make us healthier.  As with so much in the field of community radio and social gain, there’s a lot going on in this area and we want more stations to know about it and see if they can create similar projects.

We want to empower the UK community radio sector to deliver a range of partnership health projects in the fields of Public Health, Primary Care, Mental Health and Social Care, to both help community radio stations to deliver social gain in their local communities and to raise revenue.  The project is funded by the Community Radio Fund.

We want to hear from you if a) you have or had a health project or b) you’re interested in running one.  Our aim is to tell you about the best projects and help you set up similar ones.  Drop me a line at phil (at) if you’d like to be involved.

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